
Top 20 ranked Best Data Science & Machine Learning Courses from Coursera [2020]

Below are list of top 20+ courses from coursera in Data Science Category that are highly rated and most enrolled. Some of details mentioned below are as of today May 2020. This will be a helping guide & reference to someone who are looking to begin or advance their journey in Data Science. And Coursera is arguably one of the best platforms. Even if we research and analyze the top 50 courses on Coursera close to 50% are courses in Data Science domain or related. What is even more interesting is 5 out of the top 10 courses are also in the Data Science domain which just acknowledges the popularity and the growing interest in this field. We will keep this list frequently updated to stay relevant. To help learners decide what to explore in these challenging times we've compiled the top 20 most popular courses so far in 2020.

Start your future with a Data Science Certificate. Online data science courses to jumpstart your future.

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